Episode 1: Canola On Infinite Earths

AKA “I’m Aware Of The President”

In this inaugural episode, Trevor and Julia introduce themselves and the concept of the show before launching into this week’s news!  DC Comics’ “Convergence” event, Marvel Comics’ “Secret Wars” crossover, the “Justice League: Throne of Atlantis” movie premiere, and Edward James Olmos guest starring on “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” are all discussed.  Then, the duo discuss the TV shows they watched this week, including “Arrow”, “Flash”, “Gotham”, and “Constantine”.  Lastly, Trevor teaches Julia about Milestone Media, a groundbreaking comic book imprint that is set to experience a comeback.

DiDio Dishes "Convergence" Details, Talks "Multiversity" Connection

Marvel Universe and Ultimate Universe Set to Combine in "Secret Wars"

“Justice League: Throne of Atlantis” (Wikipedia)

Olmos Talks "Agents of SHIELD," Teases His Mysterious Role

Milestone Media (Wikipedia)