Episode 61: Further Girded
AKA “Surreptitious Golf Game”
In the sixty-first episode, Trevor and Julia — fresh off their honeymoon! — discuss the formation of DC Films, other DC and Marvel movie news, TV renewals and cancelations, and the launch of the Comixology Unlimited subscription service. Then, Julia quizzes Trevor about Iron Man.
Zack Stentz Is Writing A BOOSTER GOLD Movie | Birth.Movies.Death.
'Black Panther': Michael B. Jordan Joins Marvel Film (Exclusive) - Hollywood Reporter
‘Supergirl’ Renewed for Season 2 — Moving From CBS to the CW | Variety
'Agent Carter' Canceled at ABC; 'Marvel's Most Wanted' Not Moving Forward - Hollywood Reporter
Are Marvel and Netflix Working on Three More Series? — Latino-Review.com
Comixology launches new digital comic subscription service | EW.com